Diamine Aurora Borealis - 80 mL Bottled Ink

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  • Regular price $17.00

Diamine Aurora Borealis in an 80 mL glass bottle. Diamine produced Aurora Borealis for the Reddit community /r/fountainpens - a great group of fountain pen enthusiasts (of which we are active as /u/LemurInk). 

"Aurora Borealis?! At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!" - Super Nintendo Chalmers, 1996.

Produced in the UK since 1864, Diamine Ink offers a wide array of color choices and delivery systems, including various bottle sizes as well as cartridges for use in fountain pens.

Diamine Aurora Borealis is also available in a smaller, 30 mL plastic bottle.